Adventist temples areintendedfor worship, praise and prayer, and all people are welcome to attend. In all of them, the liturgy is the same, varying only in relation toregional and cultural aspects.
Understand how services, studies and inspiring special events that strengthen faith and direct contact with the community take place.
The Sabbath School is the main system of religious education and training within the Adventist Church. It is considered the largest Bible school in the world, serving millions of students every Saturday.
Real experience with God involves understanding and obeying his commandments and being faithful to his instructions. He is the owner of the Universe and the provider of everything there is, including financial resources, which he gives to human beings to managewisely.
The Christian experience is directly connected to biblical ceremonies that are full of spiritual meaning, such as the washing of feet and the Holy Supper. They help keep faith and hope alive.
In each Adventist temple, the work of the local pastor and volunteer leaders guarantees excellence in the service provided to members and visitors, as well as in the operation of departments and projects that support the Church’s mission.
The official statements and documents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church express the denomination’s position on different issues, including contemporary ones, which seek to provide guidance and clarification for members and society.
**Discover the organizational structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, its commitment to helping others, and the Bible-based identity reflected in its beliefs and logo.**
Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their rule of faith and practice, and hold fundamental beliefs as taught in the Holy Scriptures. They constitute the vision that the Adventist Church holds with respect to biblical teachings.