ONE PEOPLE,one hope

A Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia nasceu para levar esperança ao mundo. Não importa a distância, não importa o idioma ou dialeto, seus esforços transcendem barreiras para que as pessoas vivam com a certeza de que sua história passa por aqui, mas não termina aqui.

Essa certeza é vista ao longo de toda a Bíblia, a regra de fé e prática dos adventistas, que demonstra o amor de Deus pelo ser humano e Sua vontade de religar-Se com ele


Each element of the Seventh-day Adventist Church logo reinforces key aspects of its identity and mission. It also highlights beliefs and points to its biblical basis regarding the redemptive role of Christ.


From the local church to the world headquarters, learn about the administrative levels that work to strengthen faith, Bible teaching and support different initiatives aimed at members, others and society.


One of the main areas of activity for Adventists is precisely social and humanitarian assistance to thousands of people, which is in harmony with the ministry of Christ himself.


The work developed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church is led by experienced leaders in the most diverse areas of activity and institutional levels, whether in administrative offices, institutions or projects.


Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their rule of faith and practice, and they hold fundamental beliefs based solely on the Holy Scriptures. These constitute their view of biblical teachings.


Meetings held in Adventist churches are opportunities for worship, praise and prayer, and everyone is welcome to participate. There are also specific meetings for prayer, Bible study or youth, for example.


The official statements and documents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church express the denomination’s position on different issues, including contemporary ones, which seek to provide guidance and clarification for members and society.