O profundo estudo da Bíblia por parte de um pequeno grupo de cristãos nos Estados Unidos, na metade do século 19, os levou a uma clara compreensão a respeito de temas como o estado dos mortos, o sábado, o santuário e a segunda vinda de Cristo.
Eles entenderam, também, que deveriam compartilhar suas descobertas não apenas com seus vizinhos ou com os nativos de sua terra, mas a com “o mundo, em testemunho a todas as nações […]” (Mateus 24:14).
The elements in its logo reinforce fundamental aspects of the identity and mission of Adventists. They also highlight beliefs and point to its biblical basis, which points to God’s plan for humanity and the redemptive role of Christ.
They point to a continuous upward movement, symbolizing the resurrection and ascension of Christ to Heaven, as well as His second coming, the main focus of the Adventist faith.
The lines, which form a flame, represent the three angels of Revelation 14 circling the globe and the mission to take the gospel to the whole world. The entire flame symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
It represents the biblical foundation of Adventist beliefs. It is depicted in a completely open position, suggesting complete acceptance of God’s Word.
The symbol of the cross, which points to the gospel of salvation, is positioned in the center of the design to emphasize Christ’s sacrifice, which is the central theme of faith. It is significant that the Bible, which symbolizes the law, and the flame, which corresponds to the Spirit, appear together on the cross.
Photo: The first Seventh-day Adventist temple in South America, in Crespo Campo, Argentina.
Through it, Adventists invite people to reflect on a new lifestyle, accept Jesus as Savior, actively participate in the church and prepare for the eternal life announced by Him. Concerned with physical, mental and spiritual well-being, Adventists announce this mission through:
They accept the Lord’s commission recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, and they proclaim to all the world the message of a loving God, most fully revealed in the reconciliation of humanity through the atoning death of His Son. And, recognizing that the Bible is the infallible revelation of God’s will, they proclaim His total message, including that which concerns the second coming of Jesus and the enduring authority of His Law, the Ten Commandments.
They recognize that the development of mind and character is essential within the Creator’s redemptive plan, promoting the correct understanding of God and the relationship with Him, with His Word and with the created Universe.
They affirm the biblical emphasis on the integral well-being of the person, giving priority to the preservation of social relationships, health and the healing of illnesses through helping the oppressed, cooperating with the Creator in His compassionate work of restoration. In short, the main objective is to restore hope to human beings, with room for the happiness and harmony lost after God’s original creation.
Aceitam a comissão do Senhor registrada em Mateus 28:18-20, anunciam a todo o mundo a mensagem de um Deus amoroso, revelado mais plenamente na reconciliação da humanidade por meio da morte expiatória de Seu Filho. E, reconhecendo que a Bíblia é a infalível revelação da vontade de Deus, proclamam Sua mensagem total, incluindo o que se refere à segunda vinda de Jesus e à permanente autoridade de Sua Lei, os Dez Mandamentos.
Reconhecem que o desenvolvimento da mente e do caráter é essencial dentro do plano redentor do Criador, promovem a compreensão correta sobre Deus e o relacionamento com Ele, com Sua Palavra e com o Universo criado.
Afirmam a ênfase bíblica sobre o bem-estar integral da pessoa, dão prioridade à preservação das relações sociais, da saúde e da cura das enfermidades por meio do auxílio aos oprimidos, cooperando com o Criador em Sua compassiva obra de restauração. Em suma, o objetivo maior é devolver a esperança ao ser humano, com espaço para a felicidade e a harmonia perdidas após a criação original de Deus.
The imminent return of Christ, understood through in-depth study of the Bible, led a small group of Christians to share this message beyond the borders of their country.
Série de vídeos explicativos sobre temas que envolvem a Igreja, a Bíblia e o cotidiano.
There are thousands of Adventist congregations and institutions around the world. Understand how this entire structure is managed to function…
The Adventist Church suggests that its members eat a balanced diet and avoid meat, but this is not a rule…
The writerNorth AmericanEllen White plays an important role in the history and establishment of the Adventist Church. What is this…
Although many philosophical concepts have permeated the Christian world over the centuries, the Bible remains the sole rule of faith…
While society’s influential voices promote a healthy lifestyle for aesthetic reasons, Adventists do so from a spiritual point of view….
The last book of the Bible mentions three angels sent by God to bring important messages to the inhabitants of…
Existem milhares de congregações e instituições adventistas ao redor do mundo. Entenda como toda essa estrutura é administrada para funcionar com ordem e uniformidade.
Enquanto os influenciadores da sociedade promovem um estilo de vida saudável por razões estéticas, os adventistas o fazem sob o ponto de vista espiritual. “Mas o que tem a ver saúde com religião?”
Três mensagens divinas relatadas em Apocalipse carregam segredos importantes sobre o passado, presente e futuro da humanidade. Por isso é tão importante estudá-las.
The Handbook reinforces the primary purpose of the Church’s existence and is an essential guide to the role played by each local temple through its ministries.
From the local church to the world headquarters, find out what the administrative levels are to strengthen faith, Bible teaching and support different initiatives aimed at members, neighbors and society.
One of the main areas of activity for Adventists is precisely social and humanitarian assistance to thousands of people, which is in harmony with the ministry of Christ himself.