A Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia nasceu para levar esperança ao mundo. Não importa a distância, não importa o idioma ou dialeto, seus esforços transcendem barreiras para que as pessoas vivam com a certeza de que sua história passa por aqui, mas não termina aqui.
Essa certeza é vista ao longo de toda a Bíblia, a regra de fé e prática dos adventistas, que demonstra o amor de Deus pelo ser humano e Sua vontade de religar-Se com ele
Adventists believe that the Bible is inspired by God, reveals His love for human beings, and reveals the redemptive plan accomplished through Christ’s sacrifice. They also teach others to live by the teachings found in it.
Adventists believe that this institution is divine and has existed since the world was formed. Their projects and initiatives aim to strengthen family bonds and promote healthy relationships.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church promotes health care and maintains a system of medical and hospital institutions, in addition to providing guidance on a lifestyle that ensures disease prevention.
Humanitarian service
To support communities around the world, Adventists develop their own projects through their humanitarian agency and join efforts of governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Around the world, the Adventist Church maintains an educational system that goes beyond academic knowledge.
Desenvolvimento Humano
Para garantir um desenvolvimento harmônico das áreas física, mental, social e espiritual, as crianças e adolescentes têm à sua disposição atividades regulares que promovem o respeito, a colaboração, o companheirismo e a fé.
Respect and the right to freedom of belief are fundamental in any culture. Therefore, Adventists work with governments and agencies to ensure that this is a guarantee for all people.
To support communities around the globe, Adventists develop their own projects and join efforts of governmental and non-governmental organizations.
From books to radio and television programs, the Adventist Church uses communication to proclaim the message of hope to the four corners of the world.
From the local church to the world headquarters, learn about the administrative levels that work to strengthen faith, Bible teaching and support different initiatives aimed at members, others and society.
With a clear vision of its mission to proclaim hope to the world, the Adventist Church has a unique identity based on the Bible. This is present from its fundamental beliefs to its elementary fronts of action.