HEALTHto serve and live better

Since its inception, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has promoted health care and maintained a system of medical and hospital institutions, as well as providing guidance on a lifestyle that ensures the prevention of disease. These teachings, based on biblical principles and expressed in the advice of the American writer Ellen G. White, have been repeatedly proven by scientific research. Part of this lifestyle is the recommendation that people abstain completely from alcohol, smoking and other degrading drugs. The denomination also recommends giving up meat, caffeine and other substances, and adopting the eight natural remedies.


Although prevention is the main Adventist approach to health, hundreds of medical institutions around the world are maintained by the church and rely on the dedicated work of specialized professionals. In South America, there are hospitals, healthy living centers and medical clinics.


Discover institutions of excellence. Explore the list of Adventist hospitals and clinics in eight South American countries and where they are located.


Adventists recommend a simple diet and the adoption of a vegetarian diet, with a balanced use of eggs, milk and dairy products when necessary. Fruit, vegetables, cereals and nuts are the basis of a healthy diet. These ingredients are on the menu of Adventist institutions, as well as the food factories maintained by the Church around the world. Established on the market for decades, the factories provide options for a balanced diet and are bridges that connect people to healthy habits. Several of them are spread across South American countries and serve thousands of people in their own countries and abroad.


Discover the healthy and delicious products produced by Superbom. Visit the official website and find out what they are. 


Explore the variety of natural products prepared by Granix and exported to various locations. Find out everything on their website.


Seventh-day Adventists have been known for their concern for comprehensive and preventative health for over a century and a half. And why would a religion get involved in health issues? Adventists believe that everything that affects the body also affects the mind. Consequently, this has repercussions on the relationship between human beings and God Himself.

For this reason, they recognize the existence of eight natural remedies, freely available to all people. These are eight general principles on how to develop and maintain a better life in the physical, emotional and spiritual spheres. According to Romans 12:1 and 2, quality of life should not be sought only for longevity or momentary well-being, but for a successful and harmonious relationship between the creature and the Creator, the source of life. Discover what each of them is.

See Also


Adventist costs vary by institution or program, but in general, they are focused on providing affordable, quality services.


Adventist costs vary by institution or program, but in general, they are focused on providing affordable, quality services.

religious freedom

Adventist costs vary by institution or program, but in general, they are focused on providing affordable, quality services.

organizational STRUCTURE

From the local church to the world headquarters, learn about the administrative levels that work to strengthen faith, Bible teaching and support different initiatives aimed at members, others and society.


With a clear vision of its mission to proclaim hope to the world, the Adventist Church has a unique identity based on the Bible. This is present from its fundamental beliefs to its elementary fronts of action.