As a global institution, the Seventh-day Adventist Church maintains historical positions, such as those presented in its fundamental beliefs. However, when necessary, it also expresses itself in relation to contemporary issues, always in the light of the Bible, and does so through its documents. Its official statements also reinforce the Adventist vision onspecific issues, whether of a global, South American or regional nature. Find out what they are:
The Seventh-day Adventist Church was born to bring hope to the world so that people can live with the certainty that their story doesn’t end here. This certainty is seen throughout the Bible.
Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their rule of faith and practice, and hold to fundamentalbeliefs, as taught in the Holy Scriptures. They constitute the view that the Adventist Church holds with respect to biblical teachings.
The meetings held in Adventist temples are opportunities to worship, praise and pray, andeveryone is welcome to attend. There are also specific meetings for prayer, Bible study or for young people, for example .
The official statements and documents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church express the denomination’s position on different issues, including contemporary ones, which seek to provide guidance and clarification for members and society.